Provisional Agenda
(Subject to change: The conference may finish earlier or later than the advertised time)
Event type: Virtual/in-person hybrid
Presentation language: English
Venue: The Jarvis Doctorow Hall, St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane, Oxford, UK
Time Zone: All times mentioned refer to British Standard (BST) – London/GMT +01:00.
Password and links: Registered conference delegates will be sent joining information and conference access links a few days before the conference.
World Time Converter: | |
NB: Due to the hybrid nature of the agenda and the wide geographical locations of our speakers, it may not always be possible to group related presentations together.
Day 1, 26th August
1330: Registration
1430-1800: Presentations including refreshments
1830: Social event (TBC)
Day 2, 27th August
0900-1730: Presentations including lunch and refreshments
1915: Networking dinner (please check you email for further information)
Day 3, 28th August
0900 – 1230: Presentations including refreshments
1230: Discussion and close of the conference
Confirmed Speakers
- Professor Sir David Warrell, University of Oxford, UK
- Professor Cesare Montecucco, University of Padova, Italy
- Dr David Williams, WHO, Switzerland
- Professor Juan Calvete, Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia, Spain
- Professor Solange Serrano, Instituto Butantan, Brazil
- Professor José María Gutiérrez, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
- Professor Ana Maria Moura da Silva, Instituto Butantan, Brazil
- Professor Naoual Oukkache, Pasteur Institute of Morocco, Morocco
- Professor Helena Safavi-Hemami, The University of Utah, USA
- Professor Andreas Hougaard Laustsen-Kiel, Denmark Technical University, Denmark
- Dr Sebastien Duterte, University of Montpellier, France
More speakers will be announced soon!