Provisional timetable
(Subject to change: The conference may finish slightly earlier or later than the advertised time)
Event type: Virtual/in-person hybrid
Presentation language: English
Venue: The Jarvis Doctorow Hall, St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane, Oxford, UK
Time Zone: All times mentioned refer to British Standard (BST) – London/GMT +01:00.
Password and links: Registered conference delegates will be sent joining information and conference access links a few days before the conference.
World Time Converters: | |
NB: Due to the hybrid nature of the agenda and the wide geographical locations of our speakers, it may not have always been possible to group together related presentations.
DAY 1: 01 September
0830: Registration
0930-1800: Presentations including lunch and refreshments
1915: Networking dinner (please check your email for further details)
DAY 2: 02 September
0900: Accommodation checkout
0930-1530: Presentations including lunch and refreshments
1550: Close of conference
Confirmed Speakers
Professor Martha Clokie (conference chair)
Professor of Microbiology, Department of Genetics & Genome Biology & Becky Mayer Centre for Phage Research, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Professor Rob Lavigne,
Professor, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering & Head, Animal and Human Health Engineering, Laboratory of Gene Technology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Dr Mikeljon Nikolich
Chief, Bacteriophage Therapeutics, Wound Infections Department, Bacterial Diseases Branch, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Professor Krystyna Dabrowska
Professor, Phage Therapy Unit, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Wrocław, Poland
Professor Amaya Albalat
Professor, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK
Professor Mathias Middelboe
Professor, Department of Biology, Marine Biological Section, University of Copenhagen & University of Southern Denmark (HADAL), Helsingør, Denmark
More speakers to be announced!