About us
We are a communications and conference organising company with academic and scientific interests at the heart of all our activities.
We stand apart from a standard, everyday commercial conference organising company in many ways.
- We are a company run by the scientists for the scientists, so our scientific agendas are carefully planned, keeping in view the state-of-the-art developments on event topics.
- We are supported by several of the world’s leading researchers from academia and industry, government research organisations and professional academic societies.
- In addition to universities, we have worked closely with several international and national, government and charitable organisations, including the World Health Organisation, Global Snakebite Initiative, Health Action International, Lillian Lincoln Foundation, International Society on Toxinology, International Society on Aptamers, Public Health England, The Wellcome Trust, Animal and Plant Health Agency and The Pirbright Institute; as well as UK universities including Universities of Oxford, Kent and Nottingham.
- We keep our registration fees low in order to make our events affordable, in particular for academic researchers, without compromising the quality.
- We support academic researchers, in particular younger researchers, by offering them opportunities to present their research in oral sessions and by providing a platform to interact with other academic colleagues and industrial researchers.
- We also support academic researchers financially by offering limited free/subsidised registration, travel and accommodation, where possible.
- We offer travel grants for students, where possible, and considerably subsidised registration fees, in many cases lower even than several academic conferences.
- Our conferences have been a platform for several major national and international scientific collaborations and considerable commercial activity, and we are proud of our record.
- Many senior and junior scientists have returned to our events year after year, which we take as commendation by the people to whom it really matters.
We hope to see at one of our events soon.
We use venue facilities provided by the University of Oxford Colleges and Departments for our events. However, we do not have any formal affiliation with the University or its colleges.
Some of the images and models depicted on this website may be for demonstration purposes only.